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Every year, your child will have the opportunity to make or strengthen their links to the local community. In the Primary School, this could be a visit from local Mununjali elders, or gaining the opportunity to help with local fund-raising or community awareness. This culminates in Year 6, when your child has the opportunity to develop their own plan of action for an issue of importance. This could be at a local, m88 com live casino registernational, or international level, and your child will be encouraged to make genuine efforts to contact experts and experienced operators while developing and presenting their plan.
In the Secondary School, your child will have the chance to take part in community outreach programs during weekly activities, and this leads to participation in Rotary’s Interact program, where you child can be mentored through the process of enacting change in the community through participation in an active school committee M88 Online Live Casinowhich is supported by Rotarians during school meetings. In their final years, your child will be encouraged to become a strong and active voice in the school and local community, and can take part in our Compassion Crew, or in other popular community events, such as Relay For Life, and Shave for a Cure.
Your child will also benefit from partnerships with tertiary institutions that provide opportunities for early university placement, or university experience programs during their senior years. They will also benefit from our links with local training institutions and our connections with other local organisations.