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We encourage your child to develop an independent and confident manner, and provide developmental opportunities for them to become a leader. These opportunities can happen in the classroom, on the sporting field, or in m88 com live casino registerthe college and wider community. Staff actively provide feedback, support and modelling behaviours for students, and this will allow your child to understand and appreciate the importance of the importance of leadership and teamwork.
Student Leaders are elected by their peers, and by the staff. Each position is open to nominees from the relevant grade/s, and there is a clear statement of the roles and responsibilities of each role. Student m88 com live casino registerLeaders are provided opportunities to meet with the school’s Executive Leadership team, and the academic and Wellbeing teams, and the voice of our student leaders is an important part in any decision making process.
Our student leaders are active in m88 com live casino registerthe college and wider community, and your child will have a wide range of opportunities to take part in fund-raising, competition, awareness campaigns, resource drives and other active social wellbeing campaigns.
Our m88 sports bettingHouse Leaders provide inspiration and encouragement for all the students in their respective house throughout the school year, and lift the shield on graduation night, if they have led their house to victory!
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