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Hills College welcomes students from many different m88 live casino gamescountries, and offers young people numerous opportunities to meet and engage with their international peers. 

International students at Hills College will find a campus which emphasises tolerance and communication. With support staff from several countries, and teaching staff with global teaching experience we offer many benefits to prospective International students: 

Academic programs aimed at university and other m88 com live casino registertertiary options in Australia and Overseas 
A Language College for English Language Preparation and tuition 
Trained and knowledgeable teaching and support staff 
Homestay living for cultural and language m88 casino reviewLearning 
Friendly and welcoming students and community; and 
A campus surrounded by Australian wildlife and beauty. 

Hills International College Ltd is a registered CRICOS provider, CRICOS Code 03860J. This allows us to offer m88 com live casino registerthe following courses to international students;  

114035H International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (Prep - Year 6) 
102556D Junior Secondary Studies (Years 7 - 10) 
102557C Senior Secondary Studies (Years 11 – 12 
102560H High School Preparation 
102561G General English 

Please contact Vanessa Newbery the Head of International and Homestay Programs.  vanessa.newbery@hills.qld.edu.au

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