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Participation in sport provides our students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to develop and maintain their physical, mental, social and emotional health. Sport also promotes the potential for lifelong m88 com live casino registerparticipation in physical activity through the development of motor skills, movement competence and health-related physical fitness. Engaging in sport provides children with a sense of community and social connectedness, which are vital components of overall m88 sports bettingWellbeing.

At Hills College, we currently offer Basketball, Netball, Golf, Volleyball, Dance and Swimming as a way for students to develop these skills. Further to this, interschool sport m88 live casino gamesbetween two other Colleges in our area provides our students with the opportunity to participate in a structured sport competition on occasion throughout the term. Our students also participate in Pacific District Sporting Competitions and have the opportunity to continue developing their skills at a Regional Level. Having this Representative School Sport opportunity allows our students to foster connections with other schools and the broader community.